On what turned out to be Kyle’s last communion supper, there were a team of his friends and family gathered at their house.
He was sooo excited about being able to partake of communion. That was always one of his favorite things to do as a believer and in his childhood church, this was partaken of every week. It never got mundane to him.
On this night he wasn’t lifting his head much but from his few words, hand motions and expressions, he was extremely stoked about being able to partake. He had not been eating well, and was slower to respond when he was eating. However, with the sacraments were passed, he went totally in stwp and time with everyone else as the bread and the wine were served. He even jumped the gun on one of them he was so excited. So very cool to see this display of faith and commitment.
At the end, the group was going to sing the classic hymn How Great Thou Art. Since this isn’t common in all churches today people were looking up the lyrics on their phone. Kyle, who wasn’t looking up and had his head down, did not notice people were looking he just knew were going to sing that song. So from a person whose voice had not been the strongest of recent days, came ‘O Lord My God, when I I. Awesome wonder …..others joined in as folks found the words and were amazed at Kyle leading us all in singing. We complete the first verse and before anybody could close it down, Kyle started again, ‘And when I think, of God his Son not sparing ….. he sang the loudest on the phrase - ‘that on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin.
Another chorus and you guessed it Kyle began agin ‘when Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation’ …. Everyone finished with this beautiful chorus ending with How Greet Thou Art.
This is a favorite of Kyle’s. He learned this as a child and obviously never forgot it. Even at this time - he led us all with three verses never missing a word.
Each of us were privileged to see a person exhibit childlike faith in our Father, and demonstrating how to be a real Jesus follower.
Kyle loved to tell others about God and Jesus but he also loved to help already believers be a little closer to Jesus today than we were yesterday.
We all saw Jesus that night for sure. Kyle can see Him clearly now and we claim Matthew 5:4 from the sermon on the mount. You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. (Mourn) Only then can you be embraced (comforted) by the One most dear to you. … luv ya fella.